Leaving my Finger[p]rints

Sorry for the wait on this, I started a reply and genuinely thought I had finished and posted it... I hadn't, sorry! Sad Ah yes, I do see your point there, Nani might not be too happy XD But alas, Soran has to be in CD for some plottings that are happening Smile She'll have to come and see the new babies soon as well lol. WC: 1246

Soran knew that there was something slightly amiss here, although she had no idea what it might be, there was something slightly off with her pale daughter, the way she spoke about Soran's grandchildren, her own pups, suggested that whatever this bizarre rift was it was of her own making. This worried the ebony female, she did not want nay trouble or tensions between her family and in her eyes her little pale girl was still the little pup that Conri had made a playmate of, she loved her as dearly as her own daughters, she was family to her, she could not possibly imagine her doing something terrible enough to force her family, her blood to turn their backs on her. The jet wolf had anticipated that there would be tension between her and her family, she had abandoned them after all, she had been expecting a cold, awkward reception, it had been something she had come prepared for, she had sheltered her heart slightly, making sure she was prepared for it all. But the recpetion had been cold for other reasons it seemed, something traumatic had happened, it must have done, the fae just hoped that she could help her pale daughter before things got even worse. Whatever it was the female would understand, she had been through most and had a lot of life experiences, she would have advice for her pale daughter, she was sure, there was not much that she could have done to shock the ebony female enough to turn her back on her, she was forgiving and understanding, at least she would try to be, no matter what it was. Then again she could not imagine that Naniko could have done anything terrible, she was her little girl after all, the ebony female could not imagine her doing anything, well nothing that they couldn't fix between the two of them, but this, this sounded like she wanted to replace her former litters, what had happened that was so terrible? What had happened to her carefree, joyful girl? Why did she fear that the father of her pups would want to take them? Was he a selfish creature or did she fear that he knew something about her that would make him feel that she would not be a fit mother, Soran could never see her as anything but a loving, patient mother, but that did not mean that that was how she actually was, love was blind after all. Still the female could not shake the concern that something bad had happened, she would simply accept that he was from another pack and Naniko wanted to be with her pups, yes that must be it, she didn't want him taking them far away.
"I see, so you don't want him to take them to another pack? That's understandable my dear, I know how awful it can be to be far away from your pups, I may have seemed to be uncaring about it, but I did miss you all you know, I thought of you all every day." The fae said, trying to crush the feeling that this all ran a lot deeper and into far more dark places than she wanted to think about.

Soran nodded as the girl spoke about the reasons she had selected the cave system, it was indeed a good plan, the ebony fae was proud of her, she had chosen well, she had a good tactical mind it seemed, and obviously cared enough about her pack to make sure they were safe and secure, the caves seemed like a stronghold, a good place to keep a pack safe and protected. "Yes, they seem like a very good choice, all these networks must be a very safe place to live, you've chosen well here Nani, I knew that you would always be a good leader." The fae said with a smile, she was indeed proud of her daughter, even if at the moment concern was tainting the feeling. As the girl sat next to her the fae's green eyes fell onto her heavy stomach, she knew what a pain it was when you reached this stage of pregnancy, the aching feet and ankles, the back ache and the awkward way your centre of gravity switched closer to the front of your body. With the exception of her final litter, where she had been in Lupus form for the whole time, she had loathed being pregnant, especially when she had found herself bloated and huge, like a whale, she had hated every moment of it, not just because of the father of her litter, or the circumstances surrounding their conception, she had just hated the feeling of being too large to do anything, the wriggling of her pups inside her large stomach had also been something she had never been able to get used to, it was a slightly nauseating feeling. She reached over and took her pale daughter's hand, smiling at her softly.
"I know the feeling dearest, I hated this stage of pregnancy, take the weight off your feet and get comfortable little one, I'll get anything you need. I'll look after you while I'm in the pack lands." Soran offered, she genuinely meant it, she had never been a good mother to her pups, but here was her chance to do something genuinely motherly for one of her loved ones. Soran smiled as the female spoke of her daughters and son coming to live here, it was wonderful to know that she had more family gathering here, for after all, Nani's children were her grandchildren, even those who were not related to Conri. It was wonderful to know that Nani was not alone up here in the Northern packlands, so far away from her eldest children. Then her green eyed girl asked her about her own children, the dark female's face lit up with a brilliant smile, she adored talking about her youngest siblings.
"Well there are four of them, three girls and a boy, there's Rain, she's the oldest, you would adore her Nani, she reminds me of you when you were her age, she's the only one with silver eyes, their father had silver eyes you see, he doesn't know about them, we were ships passing in the night as the humans used to say, it was a brief encounter and then we went our sperate ways, I didn't know I was pregnant until he was long gone, but I do not mind, they know about him and I am sure he would be happy to know them if he could. Maybe one day they might meet. Then there are the twins, they were born in the same sack, Florence and Flavian, they have my green eyes and what seems to be their own secret language." The fae said, pausing to chuckle, it was true, Florence and Flavian seemed to just look at one another and have whole silent conversations, Soran was happy that they were close though, to always have someone to depend on was important.
"And then there is little Kiwi, she is adorable Nani, and again she has my green eyes. Tell me about your children then, the ones living in the lands, what are their names? And have you nay chosen for the litter you are carrying? Names I mean." The green eyed fae asked, stroking her green eyed girl's shoulder gently as she did so.

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