[M] A lesson to teach, a lesson to learn
Rain smiled as he noticed Thel waiting for him. I finally get to beat that woman into submission he thought to himself as he waved Thel to him. He knew the woman was in the stables with her horse because he had been watching her from a far. Her mate was busy else where and he knew by the time she would ever think of getting there to help her mate, Shiloh would be beaten to a pulp. Just the thought of hurting her put him on edge and as he ushered Thel to be silent and swift he knew she stood no chance.

He walked down the stalls that held the horses one by on till he came to the only open stall there was, finding Shiloh curled up against her horse, asleep and unaware. Her horse nickered softly, giving him a soft warning not to touch her master. He just smiled harder as he went into the stall and struggled to get Shiloh out as she woke and her horse stood. The beast stood up on her hind legs, kicking at him, getting him hard in the chest. He grunted his pain as he pulled Shiloh out of the stall, her body thrashing and kicking and he pulled off the rope he had brought with him and bound her hands and feet together. "Maska hast sent me ere to put you in your place. Your disrespect towards my master and myself will not be tolerated. Will you submit to my master and I or will you have to be beaten into submission?" he questioned as he picked her up and strung her up to one of the support beams. She snarled and thrashed as he punched her in her gut to stop moving. He hands bound on either side of the pole as here her feet, he stood in front of her and asked again for her to submit to him and his master.

She spat at his feet before trying to tell him how she really felt before he hit her hard in the face, making her head jerk to the side in response. She looked at him again the anger in her jade eyes making him whale on her more. Oh she was in for a long night.

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