and I only knew what needed doing

Word Count → 386 :: <3

Niro was entirely at a loss for words. One of his daughters has come back, and it made him wonder where the last one was, was she still with Lolita, where was she? So many questions came to his mind but he was afraid to ask, but she asked a question of her own that deviated Niros’ thoughts. He shook his head a frown on his face

“She has left on her own, she’s trying to make a life on her own. She did promise me to send word to where she lived, but I’m afraid I have not heard a word from her yet.

He was starting to get worried about his daughter who could pass as his twin, but he promised her to give her time, and a month did seem long to him, but might not be for Maggie. After they had made up she seemed determined to be in contact with him, and he her. He just wished that he had his messenger services working. He smiled at his daughter when she introduced herself to Jiva. Jiva wagged his tail happily. She had the same name as his sister. He knew Maggie, but she barely talked to her, and she always glared at him when he wanted her attention.

“I’m Jiva. Takauro”

He still had trouble pronouncing his own last name and Niro couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“Takekuro, Jiva, and this is your other sister. She’s come from a long way.”

Niro said, looking over at Foxglove and smiled at her, hoping this was not an illusion and he wasn’t seeing things. Oh how he missed his daughters. Even Maggie, who lived with him, had been around so little that he didn’t think he was a father at all, but merely giving shelter to a wolf. So much had changed now though, and he was proud of Maggie, as she grew up to be a fine young woman, even Foxglove seemed to be making herself something

“So where are you living now? I smell a pack on you.”

He said, he wagged his tail letting his daughter know he approved, at least she was close by so if they ever wanted to visit again they could.

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