Terrible sting and terrible storm

Mew never intended to hint at underlying opinions when she spoke with her brother; her words meant what they meant, without any double meanings. She knew she could speak freely, and she did. Although, this time, it did not seem like it went down too well, and Mew reacted to his tone. Who was he to try and teach her how the world was? She knew very well that it was not black and white, else why would she even consider the worth of the young coyote, who is clearly in the grey-zone of the conflict within her? She had traveled the world since she left and since he last saw her, and although she had been weak at his return and acted like it, it did not mean she would accept this kind of arrogance from her baby brother. I know the world is not only black and white, Haku, and I never suggested it was, nor did I claim anyone was wrong or right in the first place. I'm not as naive as I used to be, unfortunately. It was unfortunate; the world had been a shinier place when she had been slightly less realistic and slightly higher above the ground. She wasn't angry, despite speaking as if she was. Her voice and body remained calm as she spoke, yet she was still uncertain of what to say to him. The conversation was started now though, and she would see to that it continued until she had the information she wanted.

But yes, I don't feel as if we are very strong at the moment. We need more people behind us, and since you are the most passionate about the cause, having done something about it, I suggest you join us. Colibri is here, too, it would be like in the old days, only we're older, yet about just as awkward.


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