wild thing
Max chased the giant's pet for some time before the youth grew tired and the shadow found its hovel. He took this time to gather his surroundings, now a greyish-white blotch in a desert of grass well out of the reach of the giant's in the dampwood.

The child was about to turn back for the cover of the wood when loud commanding yaps met his radar-like ears. Max jumped with a start, turning about to see where the noise was coming from and was met by the sight of a commanding presence charging right for him. Momentarily at a loss of what to do Max stood there, ears flattening themselves and golden eyes widening to unrealistic proportions before he was able to muster enough courage, to well, turn tail and run.

His run was an awkward one though, with his still disproportionate limbs and wide-set paws Max wasn't making the greatest of progress back to the cover and protection of the bark covered giants and soon enough he found himself with his legs tangled and his head face first in the dirt.

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