working on a memory
She narrowed her eyes at Skoll as he spoke, his dislike for her choice was clear to the female but she didn't say anything right away, listening as the male gave his views on everything she just sat there until the last word was spoken. When he finished his spew she couldn't help but do anything but laugh at the yellow eyed male. Shaking her head she just let it all out until her breath was short and her chuckled faded away. "You know.. I've heard the exact same arguement from both sides.. and each one blames the other... and if someone doesn't stand up and point these things out.. this stupidity will never end and the wolves will hate the coyotes and the coyotes will hate the wolves." She said the words with a sharp edge as she stared at him. There was no hate for the wolf, but his onesided military view of the world where everything seemed to have to end with a fight was something she didn't want anything with.

The last comment he made had stung, but she knew that what he said was true, in a way she was thankful for his interference with the clan but then again Naniko probably wouldn't have had the whole clan on her ass like Skoll had. Narrowing her eyes once again she spoke with hard emotion. "I'm not siding with Gabriel to ease anything Skoll, and I never said I would support them attacking one of the packs.. if you weren't so harebrained and stuck on your wars and battleglory you'd realize that Inferni isn't out for everyone's blood. You know the precious packs around here aren't so innocent either... I wonder how many of them raise their children to hate another because their blood isn't pure. My own blood seems to feel that's the best thing there is. How do you think I feel when my own blood hates anything to do with coyotes and my own son is one. How would you feel if you saw the disgust and horror in your niece's eyes when she discovered her cousin was a halfblood..." she shook her head and scowled, turning away from Skoll for a moment she let out a hiss of a sigh. "You'd never understand Skoll..and I'm not going to ask you to, if we're going to stand on opposite sides then that's it." She stared at the ground with the hard light fading from her eyes as it seemed to be decided between the two friends.

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