her goodbye says it all
Iskata almost hadn't caught the scent of her niece on the winds until the lady had appeared but just as she was catching the flash of ivory pelt the winds had turned and the scent was identified as Cercelee's. Raising her eyes up to catch the sight of the younger wolfess she smiled grimly as the voice called out. Dropping to her haunches and wrapping her tail across her backpaws Iskata lifted one foreleg then the other as she worried the ground before she spoke up. "I hear Colibri left the pack..." The words weren't really a question, just the intro to the next words she was laying before her younger relative. "And.. Haku's now in?" She narrowed her eyes slightly as the words rolled off her tongue. She wasn't for sure what she really thought of the change.

Shaking her head as a shiver rolled down her back Iskata sighed and stared at her sapphire eyed clone of her own mother. The roles seemed so reversed as she spoke down to the pack leader. "Think that was.. smart?" she asked as she tried to find the exact phrase she wanted but knowing she settled for the worst of what there was to use. Nipping at her lip as she switched her gaze down to the ground she really didn't know what to think, though she wished that what she had heard wasn't true.

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