working on a memory
I'm thinking done?

Her laughter slid off his back, it was hollow and he knew it. She completely failed to address the points he'd made, everyone who argued Inferni's case always did. There simply was no argument for slaughtering children, and no one ever tried to make one, they just tried to take the discussion somewhere else.

"You don't understand me very well," he said after a few moments, shaking his head. "The person I cared for more than any one else I've met here was a coyote. I have nothing against coyotes. As for battle glory, I can't remember the last time someone patted me on the back for fighting anyone. You think you've got me figured out Iskata, but our life experiences...I suspect they are too far apart for us to come to consensus. It will be enough for you to realize that I'm not your family, nor am I some coyote-hater you need to reform. Until someone can give me a good reason to simply excuse Inferni for killing children and invading Aremys, then I will continue to hold my convictions. That is all. It shouldn't matter to you either way. I am not a leader, my words change very little in these parts."

It seemed like she didn't think there was much to understand about him. She seemed to think she had him figured out...but she obviously didn't know about Layla, or Luka, or Tanya or Nikolov. There was no point in telling her; Iskata had been drifting since she'd returned, and furthering the argument wouldn't affect any change within her. He didn't know what paths she was going to take, but she had as much as told him that whatever loyalty she had once held to him or people who believed like he did was a thing she intended to abandon, and that he'd better make peace with that.

"Go home, Iskata. I'll tell Phoenix where to find you if I see him." He rose and turned away from her, seeking to go back the way he came. She was a grown woman, what paths she chose were her decision, and he had no right to object. Even if he had, by the way she spoke, she already knew what he'd think, and ultimately that wasn't reason enough not to go down those paths.

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