rusted razor blades
[html]Slay had been wandering, unsettled, unthinking, until he had stumbled upon this place. His thick arctic coat of ebony and alabaster was marked with some patches of mud, from where he had fallen asleep along the way. A shabby appearance didn't generally bother the laid-back male, but when he spotted the silver-and-gold movement inside the old hollow building, he became a bit self-conscious. He was, as always, in his four-legged wolf form, and he could see that the strange woman was moving about on two. Still, something drew him inside the doorway anyway, and as the rusty machinery within was reflected in his pale blue eyes, he called out softly to her across the room:

"You... I've smelled your scent before. You visited Dahlia de Mai, did you not?"

His white-tipped ears were set back at an apprehensive angle, curiously studying her from the distance. He did not want to transform - would that make her suspicious of his intentions? He really had none. He didn't even feel like he had a place in the pack anymore, which was what drove him to wandering in the first place. So really, this female shouldn't be worried about his presence... He just hoped she might have some answers to what was going on. He settled onto his fluffy haunches to wait.


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