her goodbye says it all
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/ ... /ceres.gif); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

"She has and he is." Cercelee confirmed Iskata’s words. Colibri was out and Haku was in. That was just the way it was. The younger female looked over her aunt with the dark navy ghost eyes, a little put off by how quickly Iskata had jumped into the purpose of her business. She was here to talk about Haku. Of course, Cercelee hadn’t exactly asked Iskata how she was or anything or the sort either, so it really wasn’t a surprise. Slowly Cercelee lowered herself to her haunches, and wrapped her tail quickly around herself, effectively hiding the almost invisible grey flecks that snuck up her front legs, the one marking that differed from a dead grandmother she had never met. It was a marking almost no one noticed anyway, as they were so light, unless one was looking for them, they would never know that the specks of color were there.

Think that was.. smart? Cercelee smiled at her aunt, not in any sneering or sarcastic way, but that she was genuinely amused and surprised that someone had come to question her skills as the pack’s leader? There was no reason to hide her feelings or act any certain way, Iskata could know what Cercelee really thought, and so she allowed that smile, which was sincerely warm. Cercelee knew she was young, probably the youngest leader of any of the packs, but she was not foolish, reckless, or stupid. “Do you think that it is unwise to allow him to stay then? Is there something I should know as to why I should ask Haku to leave my pack?” Cercelee knew many reasons herself why Haku shouldn’t have been allowed to stay, let alone be placed at Lilium, but the reasons for letting him stay and placing him in such a rank had outweighed the other reasons. However, Cercelee was ready to hear another’s opinion on the matter.


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