in this quiet country

indent While his injuries had left Ahren unable to hunt as well as he once did, adaptation was a part of the genetic material of their kind. He had picked up fishing as well as learning how to kill with a sling. However, his goal was not to hunt small prey, which would not support his weight. For that, he had taken a trip to the city, where a few hours had left him victorious. A newly cleaned, newly restrung crossbow was now his prize. This hung over his shoulder on a rifle strap; the guns within the city were mostly ruined or gone.
indent He had been heading back to the foggy pack when a peculiar scent made him avert his course. It was one he recognized, and it was not that of a coyote. No, that was a horse. A sudden vicious stab of regret struck him hard in the gut, but he pushed that feeling aside. Ducking under a low branch, nearly catching his dreadlocked hair in it, the red eyed man soon spotted the source of the smell. It was not a horse, but a pony, as well as his keeper. Smiling faintly, Ahren made his way towards the other coyote, giving the shaggy pony breadth. “I haven’t seen a horse since I got here,” he offered to the stranger.


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