Beyond Borders
I don’t know if you wanted Haku to tell you about the Inferni stuff in your thread with him, or if you want Cer to, so I’m just going to not have Cer expand on it at this moment.

The female turned to look at Slay, having heard Haku’s name spoken out loud. The fact that the two hadn’t run into each other wasn’t surprising, but in a way it made speaking about Colibri’s son a bit harder.
Yes, Haku. So you’ve met him? Cercelee sighed. Haku was certainly hanging around the packlands often, maybe for Mew or maybe for Colibri, perhaps he had another reason, but it did not seem like he would be leaving anytime soon. You know... Haku took care of me for a long time. He is Coli’s father. He’s my cousin actually. Mew’s my cousin too. It was not often that Cercelee willingly admitted family relations, but Slay would probably find out anyway, and wonder why Cercelee had not mentioned it. Although they had spoken about her childhood before, she didn’t know if Slay would remember her mentioning Coli’s name, but if he did surely he would see the connection. Coli had been named for her grandmother, Colibri, just as Cercelee had been named for her’s. Fate, or something like it. Cercelee let her eyes stray away from Slay, almost regretting having spoken the words out loud. It wasn’t that she didn’t wish to share with the male, but she worried what he would think of her having been partially raised by Haku. Haku was strange, there was something off about him, he was stirring up their pack and driving away one of their Rosea’s, what would Slay think of her having been so closely tied to that male? But it was best to be blunt about Haku. About everything about Haku. You know, if Colibri or Mew wanted him to stay, or if he really needed a place to call home, I wouldn’t kick him out. Fair warning. Cercelee turned her head once again to lock eyes with Slay, blue on blue. It was only fair to let him know that it was possible, as Slay was probably use to being the only male in the pack, and he could also probably sense the tension that Haku was causing. Still, as complicated as it was, as conflicted as Cercelee felt about her cousin, she did not hate Haku. Not even close. She wouldn’t deny him a home, although she might not make life easy for him at all times.

Shaking her head, as if to shake out thoughts of her cousin, because she felt that she had devoted too much of her time to him already, she turned her attention to Inferni and Dahlia de Mai.
I don’t have the whole story when it comes to Inferni either, so that makes two of us. I think we’ll be okay though, I mean about everything. I know I seem stressed now, but everything will work itself out in the end. That had always been her philosophy. Live in the present, and if that wasn’t good enough, just wait until life got better. And eventually it would, Cercelee believed that, but there was nothing wrong with taking help from a friend. I may take you up on your offer you know, so don’t promise anything you don’t want to follow through with. She spoke light and jesting, but the meaning was serious. Cercelee could be easy going, she would normally accept anyone for who they were and what they had done, but she dealt poorly with abandonment. That was high on her personal list of sins, and it was hard to forgive one who committed such a vile act as abandoning her. So Slay my boy, do you think this is the right beach, or should I keep looking?Beaches were easier to talk about that family and coyotes and the pack. Much less stressful.


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