May it be an evening star

There were many things that Ember wanted to accomplish, besides shifting. She knew that her sister Firefly would be coming back sometime...and she wanted to have one up on her in something, at least. Her mother had said that she would be the better hunter over her sister, but she wasn't so sure. Firefly was off on her own...surely Davinci or somebody had shown her how to do it. She was worried that she might not be as experienced as her sister. Hopefully Firefly didn't try to join Twilight Vale...she didn't want to see her.

Ember frowned when she thought about it, continuing the conversation with Lubomir a moment later. "That makes sense. I heard something about coyotes messing with one of the other packs...yours might have been it. My cousin lives in Dahlia de Mai...I wonder if they're okay." The worried look melted from her face at his next words, and she looked at him, encouraged. "If I can shift, I can help them fight. Stupid coyotes." It was an acceptance, definitely. "We're almost to my den. Not too far from my mother's cabin...but not so close that she can keep tabs on everything I do." Or anyone.


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