Immigrants of War

272w :: Just one post before Skye comes by...XD

The walk from AniWaya to another safe place was exhausting for the healer. When she had first found her friends, mangled and lying there, the adrenaline rush had provided her with extra energy. But once they left the packlands she began to feel her body heavier. Her reactions were not very fast, and her movements became more mechanical. Right now, as she guided the equine that carried the two injured girls through the neutral terrain, her movements were completely mechanical. She had gotten used to walk, so now her steps were give without any command from her brain.

She had lost track of the time, but the lack of sunlight told her that the nightfall was very close. Or maybe it was already night? She had no idea. The only thing that really kept her from passing out right on her spot were the sound of the hooved of the horse and Saxif's voice pleading her mate not to die. Silently, Luna added her own pleas to Saxif's. She didn't want death. Not after she had tried to save the grey woman with all her might.

The smell of a nearby pack startled her. She came to a halt, perking her ears up and smelling the air fervently. Yes, there was another pack nearby. The relief and joy were overwhelming in that moment, but she had no energy to call the attention of the residents, so she allowed her friend to do it for her. Her howl was weak, but still loud enough so any nearby wolf could hear it. A smile crept into her face. Her friends would be safe now.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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