Hammering Away the Trouble
Cue inspirational tough-love speechrant!

Oh lord, was Shawchert really sitting here ‘poor meing’ next to her
over Sky when he really hadn’t done much of anything to win her back?
Sky was a piece of work, and it would take a piece of work to earn her
affection. Orin huffed in frustration, and entirely
uncharacteristic for the moment, she shoved Shawchert, apparently
forgetting that they were several stories off the ground with their
legs dangling over the edge of their only sturdy surface.

“You stupid wimp!” she blurted as she tried to shove him into
reality. “That doesn’t sound like much of anything at all. Haven’t
you ever read a love story? The guy always has to do something
outrageous and stupid to win the girl over. You’ve got the stupid part down, now its time to get creative. So there’s another
guy? Well stop crying into your Wheaties and do something about

She gave him a hot look, shoving a finger at him, “And don’t
ask me what that means, I read it in a book.”

“Either get over her so my daughters don’t have to have a mopey dad, or get up and take action. Where’s the alpha I met? You know what you have to do,” she tried to pause for a moment to give Shawchert time to respond, but a half a second was too long for her so she interjected. “Go kick that guy’s ass!”

“Uh-uh… I don’t care if you’re in the same pack,” she waggled a finger, guessing at his thoughts. “There’s a thing called pack hierarchy and you’ve just let some other wolf take your mate without a struggle. That’s probably put you down a couple rungs. I know you have the memories, Shawchert. That’s how things always used to be…” she was talking about the ancestral memories that ran so strong in wolf blood. The memories and instincts that kept them alive before the virus turned them into Luperci. “That’s how we did things, before. And that’s how a lot of us do things now. Including Sky. When she thought someone was going to take you from her, she came flying out the gates all tooth and claw. You’re not going to do the same thing for her?”


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