Like thieves in the night

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sunny

He could hardly believe what it was that he was hearing. Did this place know nothing? What was wrong with these members? He had no idea but he wasn't impressed with the entire lot of them. It made him question if they knew anything about true tribe life? Were they just playing at being in a tribe? He knew other tribes sometimes allowed outsiders into their midst and he would assume that is what happened here. But really, was this tribe built up of all those that had no experience with tribe life at all? He had held his tongue throughout it all but he felt he no longer could.

A look was passed over to Maska and in the silence of the look he told Maska that he meant no disrespect to him. He wasn't looking to usurp his leader as he stepped forward but he simply couldn't allow this utter disrespect to continue any longer. He couldn't hold his tongue any longer. The male leaned his weight onto his spear that he always kept with him. A deep breath was drawn in before he finally chose to speak out. Normally he wouldn't raise his voice but the shambles of this tribe needed to realize just how utterly grotesquely they were presenting themselves.

"I must start off saying how disappointed I am in the whole lot of you. None of you are fit for tribe life the way you present yourselves here. If the decision were left to me each and every one of you would be left to exile to fend for yourselves. Perhaps then you will understand the luxuries you are being afforded on this day." He paused to give a stern glare at all of those that had chosen to speak out their disrespect. He had started out addressing the group as a whole before he thought to break it off and direct his attention to individuals. "Children should not speak on things that they know nothing about. Children should be seen but not heard. All of life's lessons are learned through observation and then application. If you wish your daughter to be pardoned you should have brought her up properly. For her to speak with disrespect reflects badly upon her as well as upon her parents. There should be no forgiveness for disrespect. I regret speaking ill towards a female but to question one's leader is to disrespect the entire elder generation. Leaders get to where they are because the elder women put their faith in them to do the right thing and to lead with honor. To speak against their wishes you dishonor yourself and speak of treason upon your own part. leaders are supposed to be respected and listened to not questioned at every turn. Again, you aren't fit for what you are being given here." Normally he would never speak to a female first because they deserved that respect. But if these ones were going to dishonor themselves then he'd rather speak against them rather than dishonor his ancestors.

He looked from the young girl and her mother in order to focus on the male that wished to stay behind. "It is the mother that stays with the children and cares for them. It is the woman's place to protect the young. Are you not a man? Every man should strive to protect and provide for the women and children. You would rather stay here than go out and protect them? You would dishonor those you would choose to care for? You can do nothing for them if you stay here. You aren't a man at all. If you can't prove yourself then you deserve neither mate nor children. You don't value your family as you may claim to. If you did you would give your life in order to protect their own." Men he wasn't so concerned with laying things on the line for. Each gender had their jobs and they should abide by them. If he didn't want to protect his family then he shouldn't have had one in the first place.

His gaze then passed to the female that chose to stay behind. "Women shouldn't be expected to fight. It is the man's job to fight, to protect the women of the tribe. As much as I don't agree with violence myself there are times where it is needed. Would you rather us just sit here and wait to be slaughtered? Would that make you feel better? Your leader is going out to head off the attacks. He is putting himself on the line to make sure that all of you remain safe here. Why do you feel you must question and challenge his every move? Shouldn't you trust your leader? He has your best interest at heart. If he cared nothing for you he wouldn't choose to act on the information that he got. No, he would wait for them to come and all of you to be killed within your beds. War is an extreme circumstance but it would be better to go into war than to wait for it to be brought to you."

What was wrong with all of the men here? "More men that do not wish to fight and defend what you have? What is wrong with all of you? Do you care nothing for anyone but yourself? As for pups? They are raised by a tribe and not just their parents. To lose one is to lose part of the future. How many of you have ever lived in a tribe before?" He paused and looked at Maska before looking back out over the crowd "None of you deserve the protection and home you are being given. You have done nothing to earn your place here. You should be forced to care for yourselves. Your leader should just allow all of you to perish since you speak out his protection and don't want it. The entirety should be made homeless and see just how well you can do when no one gives you the comfort you have here. None of you would be able to last on your own. You aren't presenting yourself as a true tribe. There is no unity here. Your leader has been kind and afforded you luxuries that you haven't earned since you wish to not even do your part."

He got a good lot off his chest and stepped back. He turned away from the assembled to face Maska instead. He bowed his head and knelt down before the leader. "I apologize. I respect you and your decision. I know you have your reasons for humbling yourself to care for these people who can't show you that same care and concern. You are a great man indeed to rise above this adversary and still wish to protect them and make certain they remain safe at home. I submit myself to you and your will. Punish me as you see fit for speaking out against your people."

Table by the Mentors!

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