Now fight

Word Count :: 293 :: Assuming Luna untied Saxif to see her wounds.

When the bounds had been released Saxif could feel her body relieved. The anger inside was rising again knowing she was no longer locked. She kept herself calm, kept herself there for her mate though. She kind of pushed Luna's fussing away from herself. Not me, just look after Shiloh. Saxif made it to the side of her mate her stomach churning and twisting from the sight. The blood and the nature of her wounds was not what made her sick, it was just the thought that her mate could die. It was the same feeling she felt when Ayasha had informed her that she was injured by the rapist she still had yet to find. Her mate has been through so much and it scared her that she didn't have it in her to survive another one.

She rubbed her hair as Luna worked, the noise of the bone crack startled her. It was a noise she was use to (common hunting sound) but to hear it come from her mate's body caused her body to lurch. Quickly she emptied the contents of her belly when she rushed away from her side. She rubbed the rest off her maw the action settling her into a more calm state. Her belly ached less her mind cleared more. She knew Shiloh was in good hands and soon she would be able to exact her revenge. I swear to you my love they will pay for their crimes. When Luna asked her to pack the wound Saxif complied with no hesitation. When Luna was gone she spoke to her pained mate. Shi-babe, you can't leave me now... I need you. Please hang in there, please hold on for me. I love you so damn much.

She walks. She talks. She thinks.

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