Pack Killer

Word Count: 320

Parker's quiet, but maybe she can be helpful! She will speak if she really thinks it necessary. Otherwise someone more talkative could always hop in. Or if you'd prefer Parker not be here because she isn't talkative, let me know and I'll get the post deleted. :3

Her padded paws were quiet against the Mansion floor. She liked that about her feet. When she had been little, it had been so much harder to walk in a manner that was almost silent. Parker had reveled in he way her parents and other adults could walk so nimbly on their paws without making noise. Now she had learned the skill herself and it made her happy. Today she was headed outside to the natural sounds of birdsong, insects, and other animals going about their business. At least, that was her intention until she heard the noises of others inside the Crimson Dreams common room. Two puppies squeaking and scrambling against the floor. Puppies? She hadn't known anyone was expecting... ah, perhaps this was the lady who had come recently with puppies in tow. Parker knew vaguely of the circumstance, though she had not looked too far into it.

Despite their noisiness, Parker loved puppies. She hadn't seen many because she was only a year old, but the ones that she had seen were always adorable. So it was that the normally rather solitary girl smiled and decided to change her plans. Heading toward the noise, she spotted an older female wolf - presumably the mother - watching her two cubs at play. As was customary for the young Sadira, she raised a hand in greeting instead of speaking. Her tail waved generously and her lips curved into a wider smile to further display her good nature. Any resident wolf that had been around for some time knew that Parker wasn't one to speak at length. This stranger might not know that, but the young female's good intent would be visible anyway. Parker looked downward at the puppies with interest, hoping the mother didn't mind her presence. Marveling at their youth and innocence, so different from the way they would be as adults. Time changed Luperci, that was certain.

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