Immigrants of War

Out of character text here.

When Saxif word the words she had hoped to that she prayed to the Great Spirit to here she was near ecstatic. If it didn't hurt to move she might have accosted Skye with a greatful hug. The smile that spread on her face was on of great relief. Yes miss, I will tell you all you desire to know. Thank you so much. When she further expressed the number of healers it was like a weight that bore on her lifted. I have had the pleasure to become acquainted with one of your healers. How is Taliesin? She had met the male the day before coming upon AniWaya, she had the pleasure of teaching his son a few hunting tricks. And of course young Liam? Her ears perked. Shiloh was attempting to call out to her. She looked back to see her Katelyn and Luna comforting her. The sadness filled her once more. I shall take Shiloh to your healers at once, Luna shall update them on her injuries and state. Then we can talk. The sooner we do the better. If that is alright with you Skye Collins? Her body felt refreshed from the acceptance into their land. She also wanted to make sure all matters were settled for once she slept she was sure she would be out for atleast a day if not two. She went to Shiloh and lifted the small body of her mate into her arms. My love, you will be safe now. The huntress pressed her nose to the base of her brow. She turned to begin the entrance with in the pack.

She walks. She talks. She thinks.

word count → 000 ;; table by lin
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