A diffecult adjustment.

OOC Wow no replies yet? What? I'm so snagging this thread! 300+

The shopping district of Thornbury was exactly as she remembered, with the buildings all lined in a flattened U. Many of the shops still remained empty, but far all that were still vacant, every few buildings were fixed up, looking better and brighter than Orin remembered them looking when Cercatori d'Arte had first settled this land. It was the promise of the peace and prosperity of her pack – even if they had hit a dark patch when the pack was only in it's infancy. Looking at the buildings, Orin knew Cercatori would survive. She had survived it, and she was a Cercatori wolf. D'Arte's culture was regenerating from the horrible blow dealt by the monster Argul just fine.

But was Orin? Sure, she had survived the attacks from both monsters; Argul and Lucifer. She stayed alive – barely – and kept going in the face of pain and fear, all to keep her daughters alive. She had done so, and now was back under her pack's protection once more. So why didn't things feel right?

It was this place. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but the empty bulding at one end of Thornbury's cul-de-sac unsettled her more than any thought or bad dream ever could. The place was nice enough, still pristine on the outside from the repairs that had once been done to it. A lot of work and love had gone into that place. But now the door was closed; latched and bolted. The shutters were closed as though something did not want the outside world to see the scars contained inside. To others it might be just another empty place. To Orin, it was a landmark of... Of what? What did she think of this place? How could she blame an inanimate building for what happened?

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