aoi aoi ano sora

Pilot scooped up his boy, dirt and all, and held him in his arms. It was great being able to visit them both in Twilight Vale, but nothing compared to having Sirius right here with him. Deuce and the others in TV had been kind enough to care for his sons, so he would leave it up to the two youngsters where they wanted to live. Now that Sirius was here, however, he was thankful to have his son by his side.

"I’m glad you came," Pilot told him, ruffling the red fur on his head with a sweep of his hand. He silently wondered if the boys would ever get to know their mother and if Dierdre would ever decide to love Pilot again. He told himself he wouldn’t love anyone else, but he missed that feeling of being needed. There was a hole now that even his sons, no matter how much he wanted them to, could fill.


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