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He stood silent as she spoke in support of him, and he smiled when she finished, though shook his head. "I am glad you care for me, Shiloh, but please do not call me Chief. There is no Chief yet, not until the spirit guides choose another. I am not worthy of the title, and I never was. There is shame in following me, and honor in heeding Maska's words." As she mentioned Saxif again, though, he realized he had not commented on her first requst, too surprised with her support. In all seriousness, he had not thought anyone would dare openly support him, but more importantly he had hoped they would not. "I am happy for Saxif and yourself. If my blessing is the one you seek, then you have it. Maska will likely be happy to perform a mateship ceremony if you request it." His head was lowered as he spoke, and his tail was curled so its tip pointed towards his stomach. Shiloh may not have been an AniWayan, but Dawali had been bred with these beliefs, and he would not change them. They thought there was no justice in Maska's actions, when the reality was opposite.

What was clear, however, was that Shiloh could be trusted. He hesitated for a moment, glanced around him, before he spoke again. "Shiloh. May I request a favor?" For once, the red wolf appeared nervous. If he was caught, surely they would exile him, and it would tear his heart out to be separated from his life's work.


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