fill my sorrow with the words you've borrowed [p]
sowweeeee for the wait!!!! <33

The dog was careful about what he said to her. Maggie didn’t blame him, but she figured having some sort of camaraderie with him would make him more social. Feeling slightly disappointed, she let a frown ruin her beautiful face for a while. It was apparent that Larkspur wasn’t his mentor here and she sighed, wondering why she even called him here in the first place. “I knew that because I saw you here and there in the Kingdom, “ she said simply. If he wasn’t going to be friendly, she didn’t really want to be friendly, either. More and more often the girl found herself being the only bubbly animal around, which was a saddening thought to her.

When Denver mentioned his reason for leaving, the girl nodded. She understood. It wasn’t exactly her cup of tea, either. Her father was the only reason why she even ended up there in the first place. “That’s why I left, too.” Mentioning the now-defunct problems between her and Niro didn’t need to brought up. If Denver knew he was her father then he’d probably mention it. Otherwise it didn’t really matter.

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