only yesterday..
She was amused. Too amused. The small bottlebrush tail was so puffed out and the squeaky voice that was so demanding just made her want to burst out laughing. Lowering her head as she bit back a fit of giggles she raised a brow at the boy and smiled. "Ain't you pos' to respect your elder?" she asked the runty looking pup before her as she sat back on her haunches and lilted her head to the side as she watched him. He was such a sight and he reminded her of what she missed about her own babes.

Too soon the fit broke loose and the lady sat back chuckling as she gazed down at the boy with a sparkle in her eyes. "You're a bit big for your britches little man.." she teased as she raised up off the ground and lowered her forelegs and face down to his size. Growling playfully she smiled. "Reminds me of my grandson.." lifting her eyes to the air she acted thoughtful for a moment. "Now.. what was his name.." her brows raised as a soft exclamation drew from her maw. "Ah! Sirius.. always a little scamp.. running off without telling his old Grands!" she closed her eyes slightly as her cheek lay against her leg, a smile playing on her maw as she watched her adopted grandson before her.

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