There Will Be Trouble When The Kids Come Out
.: OOC :: WC :.351

Trouble just seemed to follow the child, it was just always there like her shadow, never leaving, always coming out to play. The young Moonsong female felt a rumble though her stomach, and she just wasn’t the skilled huntress that her mother was, and with her out playing so much she knew that her mother would have more time to move them into the house that she had been talking to their father about. Her nose up in the air, she could seem meat, the smell made her stomach grow, she closed her eyes as she gave out a short whimper, she was going to die if she didn’t eat, well maybe not that dramatic but she knew she was hungry. Following her nose, she walked into a kitchen, she wasn’t sure whose it was, but there was meat, and more than enough rabbits for her to have just a tiny bite. She stood there looking up at the strung up rabbits, and then back down to where she was standing, her little mind started to go to play of how she was going to get to the rabbit.

Lowering her-self back onto her back legs, she jumped, her mouth opened, and shut and still was nothing in her mouth, so the child talked over to the counter, putting her front paws upon the counter and using her back paws to get up onto the counter, the child licked her lips as she jumped again them time her mouth clipped onto a rabbit, with a thud the child landed on the floor, but not before a stack of pots and pans came clacking down onto the floor. She gave a sheepish grin with a soft giggle as she took out of the kitchen prancing out like she had just completed the hardest mission in her life.
Seeing the male laying upon the ground she walked over to the male, dropping the rabbit. ”Hey Mister would you like some? You look kinda down.” It was a only with an open heart she offered her hard fought for meal up to the male.

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