look how they shine for you

yes! Smile 300+

Seeing Savina broken had been more painful than losing his adoptive son. For months she had been so melancholy, and there was nothing he could do to take the pain away. It was not unlike when he had lost his mother, or when Firefly had disappeared — there was no way to make the pain of loss easier. He knew it, but it still hurt him to see her so depressed, and he had never let to opportunity to embrace her pass, just so she knew she had someone to hold, to cry on, whenever she wished. Perhaps it was Savina's state that had turned Kansas into a moping, even lazier oaf recently.

In the past few weeks, however, he had seen more smiles on her face and heard more laughter. He had begun to improve, too. He slept better knowing she was sleeping soundly beside him. When he thought back to those horrible months he cringed and felt a tightness as if a rope had been pulled taught around his torso, but he was learning not to let his mind wander, and if it did, he tried to think of it as just another low point in his life, and, of course, in the lives of his mate and the rest of the Dreamers. Bad things happened, but with the passage of time, the wounds healed to mere scars.

His eyes never left the front door. He did not know what she was doing in there (he wanted to see her!). Fortunately, after a few moments the door opened and the sable woman stepped down the porch into the afternoon sunlight. Kansas beamed, his ears falling slightly and his tail waving. He rushed to meet her, feeling tingles where her lips touched his cheek. As she spoke, the pale werewolf wrapped his sculpted arms around her. It had only been a few hours, but it was still necessary for him to hug her.

Kansas took her hand in his and looked down at her, his blue pools shining with happiness. He was going to make their time together special, somehow. Your choice, bella... We can do whatever you want.

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table by erin


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