[M] A lesson to teach, a lesson to learn
Rain enjoyed hurting the woman. After a while he forgot why he was beating her only that she was his way of letting go of emotions he longed to rid himself of. Anger towards his father for making him come to a new land, for letting his mother die. Anger towards himself for letting his sister die. Anger towards his father for leaving and never finding him or his sister. He saw Shiloh as his demons and he let them go on the woman. He was never cut out to be a Raven Guardian and knew that if he killed this woman tonight he would die with her.

The thought of dying was enough to make him keep going, pounding against bloodied fur, bruising and breaking what little the woman offered him. It wasn't until Thel told him to stop did he take it up a notch. He knew from their earlier encounter that Shiloh had a weak ankle and after smiling at Thel did he take her left ankle in his hands and pull, breaking it. The whimpering that came from her made him want to break more but just as he was going to break the other he heard the clop of the horse that got away. He almost didn't have time to comprehend what was going on until he heard Thel asking for help and Shiloh calling for her mate.

The horse had found Shiloh's mate and brought her to save her master from harm. He walked over to Saxif and threw her off Thel, pulling out a dagger of his own. He had been training with one of the guardians, learning how to fight but he knew what would throw Saxif off her game and he planned on using it to his advantage. He smiled before mocking her, "Your too late Saxif. By the time we are done here your precious mate will be dead and you will be exiled. So much for the mighty huntress. Can't even protect her mate..." he sneered as he dodged a blow from her.

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