[M] A lesson to teach, a lesson to learn
The frenzied huntress tried with her might to kill the male below her. She did not know who he was; all that she knew was that he was here & his fur spotted with small stains of her mate’s blood. He fought her attempt with impressive strength but she could see his worry and it fueled her cruelty. She would tear his face off if she got the chance. Suddenly in her blind rage she had not sensed the proximity of the other male. She was thrown from the pinned wolf. She stood quickly and was facing now the grey male she had come to know as… Rain. She growled his name with complete distaste.

As he spoke her body trembled with uncontrollable violence as she lunged forward. Her first blow was dodged but she was quick to recover. She turned with swift recourse and her next attack was aimed for his jaw. As he stumbled back she could feel the bubble of her rage begin to rise. Her insides urged to be heard in that moment like a dragon who needed to expel their flame. Rain Marks, I will carve you from navel to nose and feed you your organs one by one until the light in your eyes die and beyond. She pointed her knife at him vowing her vengeance. Her voice was growls and snarls but her words were clear. I will skin you like a lowly animal and wear your skin as robes. Today Rain Marks your death comes by my hand! She lunged forward at the male ready to fulfill her vow and more… So much more that the darkness inside of her begged for. In that moment she was seemingly possessed by a demon thirsting for blood and death.

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