cleansing burn

OOC: :]

Word Count → 521

Panda saw the male tense up when she had talked to him. His hand also moved to grab at something behind his back, which had made the woman apprehensive immediately. Her companion, Venom had noticed the change in the woman immediately and he too became on guard, his fingers moving to touch his axes that hung on his belt. He let a nervous growl escape his lips that was soft enough for not even panda to be able to pick it up, even though she was standing pretty close to the male and his steed. Panda bent her ears back on her head lightly before the hostility would drain from the male's body and he would realize that they were there to help him, not to hurt him more so than he already was hurt. He would nod his head to her, and then he spoke words, telling her that it would be appreciated. He would speak again before she was able to speak though, telling her and Venom that it would be best if they kept the horses back since he was not a fan of them, nor was he a fan of them. Panda looked at Venom for a moment, but did not say anything to him. He knew the look on her face as to be one to be on guard and to intervene if anything went wrong.

Panda took her satchel from her shoulder and she approached the male. Venom stayed with the horses a distance away, but he too dismounted his steed and he had stood there with a hardened look on his face, and his hazel eyes watching the ash male very closely, those same hazel eyes narrowed, and a hand resting on his hip, where there was one of his twin axes. Panda took out the alcohol that would disinfect the male's wound and she also took out the gauze that she would use to wrap it up. It was then she realized the smell of the male. It was unfamiliar, but of a pack none the less. She wondered where he was from, why he was here in Halifax if he had a home that probably had a healer or two to help him with his wound. My name is Panda, sir. I'm from Anathema. Where are you from? Don't ya'll have healers in your pack? she asked, cocking her head at the male as she came close to him, and she held up the alcohol. This is going to help clean and disinfect the wound, and this is for covering it so it doesn't get any debris in it. she spoke to him, expecting the male to get into a position to where she could help him. Lean your head back, and close your eyes so the alcohol doesn't get into it. the woman told him, waiting for him to do so, so she could help him.

Venom snorted from where he was, and he kept his large ears alert and perked towards the two. There was nothing that would happen that he would not see, or hear. He made sure of this.

Image courtesy of Ha-Wee@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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