The waiting game

finally, a moment that i can actually think of what to write. | +277


He followed his new friend, Saxif, up the ramp and into the large ship. "Be careful, metal corrodes faster when near the salt water..." Ibycus' warning trailed off in awe for what the humans had built in the height of their civilization. He carefully picked his way down the hall, occasionally peeking into a door as he went by.

The stench of the animals that had been living inside the ship while it sat and rusted into dust was almost overpowering his senses. That and the dust they were stirring up was giving him the urge to sneeze, but he was afraid to. Afraid that the loud noise would cause the ship to break apart with them in it. Absently, his hand rubbed the end of his muzzle getting rid of the pesky urge to sneeze.

"fare impazzire," his sneeze forgotten as his eyes took in the grandeur of the large room they entered. His eyes played over the chandelier as his voice quietly said in a whisper, "magnifico..." and his voice trailed off as his sight followed the beams of sunlight reflected and refracted by the crystals of the chandelier. His view wandered over the chairs, tables, piano, and dance floor. He had seen pictures of similar rooms and his imagination was showing him what the grand ballroom looked like in it's heyday.

"Questa deve essere stata una bella camera...,"he said with a quiet, awe filled voice that had reverted to his native tongue. Then remembering that the company he was in may not know Italian, he repeated, "this must have been a beautiful room," then continued, "back when the humans were still at the height of their civilization."


Ibycus "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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