Llama Man
The girl continued to eat her soup as the old man spoke of his pets, the odd looking ones that were taking up most of his yard. She simply smiled and nodded at what she thought was the right times, liking the sound of his voice, wanting him to keep on talking. She realized after a while that there was no fear within her mind or heart at the moment, something that almost never happened when she met someone new. Even the pups often caused her to freak out a little bit, thinking that she would somehow screw things up and get someone hurt. Perhaps the calm gathering within her came because she knew that he didn't have much more time, and that she was here to help him with whatever he needed help with.

When they were both done eating, she took his bowl and set them on the mantle of the fire place, going back to sit on the floor in front of the man. His question made her smile and she sighed softly, looking out the still open door, watching the llamas walk around as they grazed. "Bored. Nothin' to d-do...and I l-love ex...ex...p-plorrring?" That last word was hard to pronounce and she stumbled over it a few times, hands clenching into fists, angry that her stupid speech was still giving her trouble. Despite all of her damn practice, she was still not getting anywhere! It simply infuriated the little girl.

With tears pooling in her eyes, Tawny turned away from Bojangles and focused her attention on the llamas outside, studying the way their body's moved as they walked. Beneath all the fluffy fur it was hard to tell actually how big the creatures might be, but she was sure by their long legs that they were tall. The one that he called Ramallamadingdong had been taller than her, the thing's head about ten inches higher than the small wolf girls'. "Can I...go see?" She pointed towards the creatures and stood slowly, waiting for him to say yes or no before leaving his side.

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