[M] A lesson to teach, a lesson to learn
Rain had smiled when Saxif caught him with a blow to the cheek. He went with the blow but was quick to recover as Saxif vowed to kill him. In the corse of the fight he had reverted back to German his speech changing as he mocked her in German "Ich würde gerne sehen, sie versuchen. Die wie die Niedrigen Jägerin Du bist," (I would love to see you try. Die like the lowly huntress you are.) he mocked as Saxif was whipped by Thel, throwing her off balance. He seized the moment and ran to the broken woman. He cut her bonds and pulled her up by the hair, placing his blade to her neck. The whimper that escaped Shiloh's maw should have been enough to stop her mate and he pressed the blade into her neck a little harder, making her cry out as a beaded line of blood started to show up on her neck.

The smile on his face was that of cruelty and violence. He could kill her in a heart beat or even worse, tie down her mate and make her watch as he brutalized her mate more then threw her at her feet to die. Oh he was ready to hurt Saxif like he hurt inside. She shouldn't be able to be happy while he hurt all the time. He wanted to make her hurt, make her squirm while her mate lay in a pool of her own blood. "Thel... tie her down. Make sure she cant get to her mate. Listen to me or I'll cut her throat," he said making a point to press just a little harder, bring out a yelp of pain from the woman in his hands.

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