Paint it black
The male's golden eyes drifted to see who spoke to him. The butterflies whispered of caution as his eyes darkened. He inclined his head politely, something mechanical about it. "Lady Skye. What shall we speak of?" There was something less than respect in his voice, something almost mocking. There was also a flatness to his voice, a lack of inflection that hinted at the deeper problems he'd inherited through his mother.

He didn't stand, but rather he leaned back against the tree, crossing his arms behind his head as though he'd done it a thousand times before. His legs remained as they were, feet planted on the ground, knees bent comfortably. He was a typical teenager with his subtle posture cues, he respected her position, but he did not fear her as a leader. He would have more respect for another male in the position of leader. Females were females, meant for breeding. Females were not meant to be leaders.

Liam lifted his eyebrows and watched the leader expectantly.

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