[M] A lesson to teach, a lesson to learn
For some reason he mocked her in his native tongue. So she swore in hers, it was a string of harsh evil words that made her laugh with an eerie growl. He stood no chance against her it was clear. He had bound her mate; one who had little defense on her own. He had planned it so she was alone and Saxif was far. He had brought a second to aide him against the small wolf girl. He was a coward, a shameful brute who would die within an instant if she could just grab hold of him. She lunged with a more thought out action, her focus was returning making her far more deadly an opponent. She raised her knife slightly and before she could pierce the wolf her right arm erupted in pain.

The other male had struck her with a whip wrenching her weight at the sudden stop. She looked at Rain reaching with her other arm but he narrowly escaped her grasp. She snarled and looked at the other male ready to switch to him. Her arm burned but it fueled more rage as she attempted to pull the whip from his hands. She started toward him, he would pay for everything he had taken part in. Then a whimper perked her ear, froze her heart and step. She slowly looked to Shiloh and as she thought the coward used another lowly trick. She growled at him and stepped forward. Then the blood spilled from her mate stopping her immediately, she broke her growl and worry filled her. It was a fool's way out but it was effective. She took a deep breath as they stared each other down with fire in their hearts. Then she dropped her knife. The surrender was hard but it was necessary. She kept her eyes on Rain not once leaving his eyes.

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