I will face my fear

Word Count » 3+

The girl took the items hesitantly, as though afraid they might dissolve to her touch, and reveal this small ceremony to be a false dream. But the items held, real and solid, and when her fingers brushed them in wonder the Thistle King's black lips twitched with mirth. Salvia did not know her own lure, but when she was older, he knew that beauty would sit well on her wolfish face. She would be beautiful, as Eris was - A powerful kind of beauty, the sort that left an impact far after the eyes had stopped seeing.

He allowed her to take the bag and the dagger from his creamy palms, and then watched as she donned them both, sheathing the glinting dagger with as much respect as the item was due. It was a fine weapon - Too slender, too delicate to sit easily within his masculine palm. But for her, it would be another tooth; Sharper and larger than the rest. A tiger's tooth.

Her sudden movement provoke him to a slight snarl, ears flattening to tousled, unruly hair. But his alarm turned quickly to confusion, as the girl merely burrowed herself into the fur of his chest. Olive eyes glanced down at her head, his hands hanging comically in the air, body stiff and wary. Slowly, palms lowered, and finally they too encircled Eris' daughter, one patting her awkwardly on the back. This was a secret show of affection, one rarely given by the canny Boss. Her nearness made him edgy, and uncomfortably aware of how adult her new body was becoming.

Having suffered the hug for what he deemed long enough, Sirius took a step back, pulling himself free of Salvia's hold. Hands rested on her elegant shoulders, holding the girl at an arms length so that he could study her with those wickedly intelligent eyes. "You are valuable, Salvia, and you have the potential to be great. Learn - Learn from anyone who will teach you something of value. Use what you know and what you have, and use it well," He smiled then, a truly terribly wonderful smile, all teeth glinting for her. "Do not fear or underestimate the Stupid, Salvia. Always be aware of them, for their stupidity will be what makes the Smart great." With such a riddle of words, he removed his hands from her frame, and turned back to saunter to the huge throne. One hand waved at her in dismissal. "Go, tell your mother and father. They will be proud." He sunk down wearily onto the bearcoat, and stretched long limbs across the stone plinth.

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