There would still be music left to write [p]

No worries about the wait, and I apologise for the length of the post, I am a rambler XD Also I don't think they would know one another, though they would probably know of one another. WC: 1060

Soran was enjoying her quiet solace in the library, there were so many books here, it made her nostalgic for the old Syemv house, she herself had contributed heavily to the library there, along with having her own private collection in her room, her heavy wooden bookcase piled high with books, the old wood groaning under the weight of the tomes, there were far too many on the sheleves for the old book case, but it had coped well under the strain. Of course that was all gone now, the books and the shelves they sat upon were nothing more than ash in the charred remains of the old building which she had once called home. It had been her first real home, before she had come to the lands she had always moved, unable to stay in one place to long because her father was constantly on her tail, she could never escape him, never settle in one place long enough to create any realties or affection to the place, she had mostly been alone, not wanting to bring anyone else into the turmoil of her life, not wanting anymore lives to be lost because of herself. Syemv had been her first true home, she had found herself in the centre of a happy pack, family and loved ones around her, with a real home to live in, it still made the dark female sad that all this was now lost, soon it would be forgotten as the older wolves who remembered the old lands died off one by one, she herself was ageing, one day she too would be gone, she just hoped that the memory of the old lands would not die with her, she hoped that she had passed on enough of her memories to keep it alive despite it being nothing but a wasteland now. This was her home now and she was content with it, the new library was indeed even more impressive than they Syemv one had been, there were so many books here, fiction and non-fiction, there was plenty to be discovered hiding upon the shelves. One could lose themselves for days looking these books over, selecting a new one every day and still not having gained all the information in them within a year. There were so many and their subjects were so varied. The fae would enjoy the challenge of reading them all she was certain, so long as no-one minded, she had always been one to take the book away and keep it for a few days, reading it swiftly and then carefully slotting it back into it's place amongst its fellow books. Hopefully no-one would mind her borrowing the books, for after all she was always careful with them and she always made sure to return them, with the exception of a few books that lined the shelves in her own room, she had taken these from the Syemv house, now she was glad that she had, they were the last remenants of the once proud house.

The sable female was lost in these thoughts as she scanned the shelves, her hands still moving from spine to spine as she scanned their titles, her fingers brushing against the cool leather bindings of some of the older books. A sound behind her caught her attention and she turned to see a male standing before her. He apologised for disturbing her and the ebony fae wanted to stop him there, he was not disturbing her, it was true she was surprised to see someone else awake at this late hour, but it was true that if she could find herself able to function on a handful of hours of sleep then there would be other wolves who would indeed be able to do the same, but she was glad of the company if she were honest. This male could be as passionate about the written word as she was of course, this could lead to some good conversation for the sable fae, she enjoyed speaking on the subject at length if she were permitted. Hopefully he was not just here because he had noticed the light and had come to shoo her out of the library, she was sure that there was no curfew on the room, but there could be one she supposed, to prevent wolves from sneaking in in the night and borrowing too many books, but she doubted that any of her packmates would behave like that anyway. She smiled at the male as he asked her if there was anythign specific she was looking for. She moved herself to face him properly.
"Oh you are not disturbing me at all, the library is for everyone after all, I am more than happy to share the space with you." She said, looking the male over, she had seen him about the lands but have not yet introduced herself to him. "I'm just looking for a book with sheet music in it, I play the flute you see, I am searching for some new melodies to learn.... I am Soran by the way." The ebony female added, explaining why she was scanning the shelves without actually taking anything from them yet, she was in the mood for something specific today, sometimes she would be content to browse the shelves until some interesting title caught her eye and then she would happily curl up with that book, absorbing every word happily. But today she was on a mission, she wondered if the male too was looking for something specific to read, perhaps the pair could help one another? Besides the fae could do with a break from hunting for only music books, there were so many books here and she had yet to find a single one suitable for the task she needed it for.
"Is there anything you're looking for?" Soran added, smiling at the male, still looking him over, her jade eyes watching him, she hoped he was here for something to read and perhaps a little bit of light, jovial conversation and that he was not some kind of guardian of the library, here to ask her to come back in the morning. She doubted that that would be the case, but so much had changed in the pack since she had last been a member.

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