pierce my heart and steal my soul
Her eyes twinkled as she watched Deuce shifting through the box of sparklies and gems. Smiling as Deuce finally found the pairs she wanted Iskata Picked up one of them and examined the jewls that glittered in the dim light. Handing them back to Deuce she grinned at her friend as she explained the process. "We'd have to make sure they are clean first.. It's actually rather quick and easy, if you don't think about it..." she hoped that Deuce wouldn't be too nervous while she was putting the earrings in. She rubbed one of her own studs as she looked around the room to see where they should set everything up.

Iskata had pierced her own ears, the top ones had been so easy since the cartilige had no feeling in it but the bottom ones had been horrible. They'd taken forever to actually heal and tended to easily start to close up if she took the rings out for long periods of time. Shaking her head she warned Deuce of these small problems that tended to come up. "Now.. it's easier to pierce the middle or top of the ear, the closer to the bottom the more painful and it tinds to get infected..." She smiled as she looked about the place. "I'm glad you've found a place to get away from time to time.. sometimes that's what we need..." She sighed and then just shook her head as she chuckled. "Now.. are you ready?" She clapped her hands together then picked up the two pair of studs from Deuce and looked for a spot to sit Deuce down to begin, atleast, if Deuce was finally ready.

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