We Could All Use Some Fresh AIr
OOC: its ok. no rush.

Tawny had never been able to play with anyone her age, or anyone who acted her age...Most of the people her age wouldn't play like this, thinking they were to old for it. In her more simple minded state, the girl felt comfortable and free to do pretty much whatever she thought about. It seemed as if all of the people she met understood that she was different, and allowed her to act younger than she really was without pause. There had been no harsh words directed towards the young woman yet, which she was very great full for.

Her short legs pumped as hard as they could, given her back leg was still messed up and she was limping a little bit. Not long after her running began, she heard the footfalls of the other drawing steadily closer with ease. His larger body carrying him over the ground at a much faster pace. When she heard his low 'woof' and felt the nip, a little growling yip fell from her throat and she turned quickly, all her legs sliding in the sand.

When she'd regained balance, she took off again, giving chase as quickly as she could. Legs pumping hard, tail straight out behind her back, fur streamlining as the salty ocean air whipped over her body...she was having so much fun. It was very rare for the girl to let herself trust someone new, especially a male, and this one was surprisingly easy for her to let go with. Her tongue plopped out the side of her mouth as she loped after him, panting heavily and enjoying her time.

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