aoi aoi ano sora

"The other wolves all have dens of their own," Pilot informed his son as he watched him snuggle into the fur. For a moment he missed his childhood and living with his mother, brother, and the rest of the squirrel community. But it also roused questions about his real parents – his mother and father, and the life they had. Had he also had siblings? But thinking back to those times made him think of the loneliness he also suffered from. That was one thing he never wanted for his children. He never wanted them to live with that feeling of emptiness.

Pilot slid over to his son and put a reassuring hand on his shoulders. "I’m sure if Noah really wants to come visit, he’ll know where you are. We wolves have good scent, you know. How else do you think you’re sniffer got you here?" He joked with his son, taking in big breaths of air so that his nose flared and made a series of sniffing noises.


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