((PSST: He knows how to shift now, so we could put a quick end to this one and put up a new one? LOL))

The boy snorted as she asked if he was afraid of her. He looked up at her disdainfully, his golden eyes dark. "Please, girl, I ain't afraid of no one, let alone you." When she taunted him, his lips curled back. "I ain't learned how to yet, but it ain't long. And when I do, you just wait." He growled at her as she tugged at his ear, trying to shake his head away, snapping at her fingers. "Girl, you kick me, and I'll be taking your foot off. I'm no body's pet."

She taunted him again, and his eyes darkened. He was done having fun. He wanted to go lick his injured pride. She was grinning, but he was angry. He took a few steps back, his hackles raising. A growl thundered deep in his throat, almost inaudible. He didn't like being on the butt end of a joke at all. He took several more small steps away, his ears flattening against his head in aggression. He didn't want to let some girl chase him away, but maybe this time he didn't have much choice. She did have the size advantage on him.

Once he learned to shift, he'd show her. He'd come back here and put her in her place, alright. The butterflies began whispering again, giving him ways he could get back at her. A malicious light sparkled in his golden eyes as they gave him his idea for revenge. She wanted to play big and bad? When he learned to shift he'd waltz right in and show her who was bigger and badder.

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