rusted razor blades

Slay's muzzle crinkled into a smile, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry for frightening you, m'dear," he drawled playfully, relaxing his posture as he took her surprise to mean that she was not a threat. When she faced him with her startled blue eyes, Slay realized that this lady was about the same age as he was. "I meant no harm, twas mere curiosity. You have family there, you say?"

The big arctic male rose to his paws and padded forward, so that he was not so far away from the stranger. Her wary posture clearly showed that she didn't want him any nearer, but he didn't want to keep raising his voice in the eery warehouse. The strange glints and reflections on all the metal around him made him feel small and nervous. He stifled a yawn as he chose a spot to sit, and shook his ruff to dispel the drowsiness that always edged his conscious mind. He did his best to hide it, but narcolepsy was not the sort of condition that could go unnoticed forever.

"Allow me to introduce myself, hun. My name is Slay; I'm the lead hunter in Dahlia de Mai. I've just been, erm, taking a break lately..." His deep voice trailed off lamely as he glanced away, white-tipped ears back at an awkward angle. Yeah, he needed to get away. So why did he bring up pack business with the first wolf he set eyes upon? He was just tired of being in the dark with all the goings-on, but it wasn't like this lovely lady would know more about his pack than he did... Well, maybe she did. He felt another yawn beginning, and bit his lip. Come on, at least be somewhat normal! he chastised himself, trying not to frighten her off.

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