I'd like to buy a vowel.
OOC: Rory's turning into a flirt Tongue

IC: Saorise smiled at being able to play with the kit. ”Be nice.” She affirmed then squiggled out of Rory’s arms. He knelt down to let her jump down and she went off to play with Rose. He gave his niece a smile as he watched her to make sure she didn’t get too rough on the kitten. He looked up at Mya and gave a grateful smile. ”Thank ye fer lettin’ ‘er play. Though I will now be expected ta git a kitty fer ‘er.”

His tone was playful. ”Now, where can I git one like ‘er? O’ a gal like yerself, lass?” He was flirting but was a bit serious. She was very pretty. ”Yer a true beauty, Mya. Do ye ‘ave a mate o’ boyfriend?” He wasn’t sure if he was going to ask her to date him. He thought that he might ask her. He heard a soft, playful growl from the ground and saw his niece about ready to pounce on the kitten. He gave a chuckle and inclined his head to the ground so Mya could see the two of them playing.

He looked back at Mya. ”So where might ye be from?” He decided to get to know her better. She seemed nice and like someone he’d like to know better.

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