By River We Come to Spirit You Away
TURNSTONE: ALMOST AS USELESS AS CLAUDIUS 8D Btw, one of the arrows went right through his ear. He is kind of freaking out.

[/html]Turnstone had awoken to the sound of a howl. This was soon followed by many others until it was a chorus as the message was passed through the lands. Crimson Dreams, his new home, was being attacked -- for reasons still unknown. Turnstone, captivated by his own lethargy, remained where he was, silent and unmoving, as he tried to figure out what he wanted to do. Just how loyal was he to this pack? He contemplated this, turning over the question in his mind. He didn't know who was attacking him; the name was unfamiliar; so why should he retaliate? Yes, the pack had given him shelter, but if he had only just arrived, perhaps it would be best if he went on his way. He didn't want to become involved in someone else's fight.

And with that thought, he turned over to go back to sleep. But sleep did not come to Turnstone, for he lay awake; wondering. He thought himself a man of principle, but how could he allow this pack to die? If he wanted to have a home, he would have to create one.

With that in mind, he stood up and then sent out a howl of his own: I am coming to help. Let that scare away the invaders knowing that there was one more body to fight.

He took off in the direction of the fighting and the sounds and smells soon invaded all of his senses. There were screams and shouts, and then suddenly, the scent of blood. Turnstone grimaced, but continued on -- right into the path of an arrow. He hadn't even begun his assault and suddenly, his entire head felt like it was on fire. He screamed in pain and dropped to the ground. He rubbed the other side of his head in the dirt, trying to make it go away, but it did not. His vision blurred and he blinked away blood. Then, the world was dark. He was a man of principle, a man of action, but a man without a cause.[html]

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