Jigsaw [P]uzzles
Sorry for the wait on this, I suck Sad

The little patchwork girl was looking this way and that, sniffing the air as she did so. Her blue eyes roamed the lands, trying to decide where she would go next, her small brown ears turning this way and that as she hunted for some interesting sound or sight that she could go and investigate. Perhaps there would be a dragon hiding amongst the grasses, or some villain tresspassing in the stables, someone that she could fight off and prove her nobility, prove that she was brave enough to look after this pack with her daddy. The little female had a vivid and very active imagination, this was a good thing for her as the little patchwork girl was often easily bored, her attention span being short as it was with most children of her age, so often she wandered away into fantasy, thinking up adventures to bound her way through, racing about the lands, away on amazing missions in her mind. In that way the girl could keep herself entertained for hours, she was always the one to think up the games for her siblings to join in with as well, she was content to play on her own though, but sometimes company was nice, she did enjoy getting others to join in with her games, she had even coerced her father into playing a few times, at those times he would gladly play the pantomime style villain for his children to defeat, happily pretending to kidnap Felicity and then allowing his other children to attack him and be defeated. He was of course never any real danger, he was the kind of villain that one read about in fictional books, the ones that could always be defeated, the ones that revealed their plans and then were shocked when the heroes foiled them. She had based all of her villains on these fictional characters, always making sure that they were defeated in the end, the heroes of the tale rescuing those who needed to be rescued and escaping with their lives, over coming every obstacle in their way and racing away to their secret hideout, just like Robin Hood himself. The little patchwork girl had no idea that there were much scarier villians out there, ones that would get away with their evil plans and cause hurt and destruction, in a child's world there was no real danger, and this was how it would stay with the little fae for quite some time no doubt.

She was thinking up a game as she stood in the doorway, her multicoloured tail wagging with the cheerful anticipation of adventures that she would soon be having, she mused over the idea of going to find her daddy, to ask him if she might have the cream horse and then convince him to teach her to ride. She was a very good negotiator, mostly because she was relentless in her mentioning of what she wanted until she wore her father down, he would eventually agree just to silence her. Perhaps he would indeed allow her to have her own horse, the cream mare seemed to be fond of the little patchwork girl after all, Robin was sure that she wouldn't mind being owned by the mulitcoloured girl. The little female was about to bound off towards home, to cling to her father's leg and nag at him until he taught her how to ride the nicely tempered mare when she was suddenly leapt at by a smaller wolf. He shouted boo, the little female was indeed surprised, although she had been looking around the lands it had been in an absent minded way, not really focusing on anything, her mind had been wandering to the idea of riding the mare just as her daddy rode Drogon, the enormous stallion that seemed to be more his friend than a pet. The little female jumped in the air, looking at the smaller male, was he a baddie? No, surely he could not be, he was far too young to be a baddie yet, he was not big enough to be any threat to the little female. She smiled at him once she looked him over, he smelled of the pack, so he must be an ally, baddies didn't live in the pack, her father had told her that, the pack was her family and therefore no danger to her.
"Hello! My name's Robin, who are you?" The patchwork girl asked, smiling at the male. She looked up and noticed a larger male not far away from them, she smiled at him as well, her tail wagging cheerfully as she looked at him.
"Hello there!" She called to the older male, glad to see that he was not Noss, the grumpy male who had told her off for playing in the stables. He seemed nice enough, but he had been very grumpy. She hoped that this older male would not be like him, he looked like he would be friendly though, perhaps he was this little adventurous male's father?

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WC: 843

Table by Erin


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