The Obstacles We Face


Lucia was lucky she hadn’t put a hand upon the exhausted wolf. If there was something Jaden hated nearly as much as deep water, it was being surprised. As such, a hand or any other body part to come in contact with Jaden would have most likely been twisted into an uncomfortable position or smacked away quickly. The shadowy female’s words did quite well in scare the living daylights out of the man though.

His breath had almost returned and Jaden was about to bring his focus back in when the words struck out. The Dampwoods had seemed silent and peaceful before them and their existence was wrong and shocking. He pushed off his resting place and spun to face Lucia. The movement was visibly difficult for him as he stood upon weak knees again. Jaden was exhausted and now slightly agitated as his heart pounded quickly in his chest.

Lucia received an angry and questioning glare to start that slowly melted into one of apology. The thought Nearly a clean kill without even seeing her resonated within the black and red wolf’s mind darkly, but he was nevertheless prepared to apologize for his carless archery. That is until the fae began to insult Jaden’s observation skills.

Being a former assassin and having trained hard to be observant as well as stealthy and sly, an insult to these skills hit a nerve. Had the two wolves met in a less shocking way and had Jaden been given time to collect himself before speaking, he may not have responded immediately with anger. But as they were, bitter words were the first thing to push past his now slightly bared teeth, “I’m not observant!? Did you fail to notice the first seven arrows I let go before ‘that last one’? Or that the wolf you just surprised is carrying sharp weapons he could have sent flying your direction? Maybe next time someone shoots in you’re general direction, you should speak, move your petite little ass out of the way, and hope they’re not trying to hit you on purpose.”

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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