The demons that we keep.
ugh such a crappy post =/ apologies and i sound like a retard because i wrote this at 1am after spending the last 7 hours writing 22 other posts XD

She did not really know what possessed her to travel all the way down to Cercatori D'arte, she had not visited the art based pack since she had brought Argul's head to burn with its then leader, Shawchert. Maybe she just wanted to see how they were getting on now that the murderer that had plagued their pack was gone. Ashen paws carried her over the mountains, down the middle of the large finger of land that was Souls and towards its southern end where the three southerly packs resided.

It took her most of the day to reach the borders and once she had done she gave herself an hour or so to rest, recovering her energy from the long trek. She managed to catch herself a young rabbit and ate it swiftly, savoring its taste greatly. She reached the borders and sniffed around hoping to get some inkling as to what had gone on but grumbled when she found nothing really of help. Standing up she threw back her head and howled for anyone who would be nearby, for anyone who knew her within the pack.

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