Aint no rest for the Wicked.
OOC: Sorry took so long, preparing for the move. WC: 300+


The huntress knew the choice of allowing Shiloh to rest first might have been poor judgment. Though she also knew if she tried to transport her before her blood had a chance to stop flowing, it would have been just as much a risk to her mate as staying. For a better part of the night her nerves were on high alert, her eyes constantly watching the steady rise and fall of her mate’s breath. She felt her exhaustion but she kept herself awake. She wanted anything but to sleep that night, anything but to shut her eyes and doze off. Oh Shiloh. My love. Please survive. She whispered every now and again. She knew it would be long before she would awake. The worried huntress only hoped her mate would hear her pleas to live. Internally she prayed to the Great Spirit, begging for Shiloh’s life to continue. Then all that came to her was the thoughts of sleep, of drifting off into a world of dreams. Finally she did.

In her dream she saw her grandmother in the distance, her face looked frightened. She knew the face for it was the face she had when she was saved from drowning as pup. Then she felt as though she was drowning, slipping away into a strong current. She gasped awake from the short dream only to see he who had tortured her mate. The residual fear of her dream lingered only fleetingly before a growl erupted from her. Haven’t you done enough?! Now you dare show your face again?! She exploded with fury her pupils expanding to show that rage. She burned within ready to give everything he deserved. Then she stopped her eyes glancing to Shiloh. She didn’t want her anger to be the death of her, so she looked to Thel and then Rain. What do want? Her voice was still angered but she seemed more calm.

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