I'd like to buy a vowel.
His smile widened at response to his suggestion, both her affirmation and the purring she made. ”Splendid! When would ye like ta do it? I’m very free. Though would we be takin’ the wee ones with us?” He just wanted to make sure which way. Saorise looked up as if to say, ‘I’m not going to be part of the picnic?’

He laughed at how the kitten kept getting out of Saorise’s way when his niece would try and pounce on her. She pouted but then started to yawn. She also was interested at the idea of a sleepover. So she looked at him and then asked, well more like demanded, to be picked up. He laughed and picked her up, letting her snuggle against him.

Though Mya agreed but didn’t have a home either. ”Well, we ‘aven’t got one. I suppose I should though. Where do ye sleep? We could stay in the barn?” He hoped she wouldn’t think less of him for not having a house yet. He didn’t have an excuse for not having one. Though one thought that flitted across his mind was Maybe we could become mates and share a house. Though he wasn’t sure where that came from. He likes her but wasn’t sure if she would be a good aunt to his niece. Or if they would even be good for each other.

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