The demons that we keep.

OOC Pfft! No worreis, you're fine! WC 300+

Halfway to Thornbury and she heard a call. Her ears perked and she glanced around, wondering who it was. A second call and she was able to pinpoint the siren as someone at the border's, but she could not tell by the tone who it was. Perhaps a visitor? She paused for a moment. A visitor... Or... No, it couldn't be someone bad – why would they send out a call warning Cercatori of their presense? Anyway, Shawchert would respond to it. Or someone else, no doubt.

Orin began walking again, but only a few steps later she stopped and sighed. She couldn't very well just ignore the call, that would just be irresponsible towards her pack. What if she was the closest one? She threw up her hands in annoyance, took a deep breath, and tried to let go of her earlier frustration.

She changed her course and headed quickly to the borders. Once she was nearby, she let out a call of her own for the stranger to answer so she could follow the voice and find her exact location. Soon enough, Orin was visible off in the distance, and she squinted to make out the primarily gray form that awaited her greeting. She was familiar... Could it be?

She started to jog, waving at the woman at Cercatori's borders. But would the woman recognize her, too? The only time they had met, just after Jace brought the marauder to justice and was lugging a gory token around with her, Orin had been in disguise as Desdemona Moonsong. Up close anyone could recognize her features – petite, curvy body, short puppy-like muzzle – but without the brown patches of fur and now with choppy blond hair, Orin looked very different from afar.

“Hi there,” her stride broke as she slowed down and took her last few walking steps towards Jace. She cocked an eyebrow. It was her! Her mouth hung open for a moment and she let out a small gasp. “Ja... Jace?”

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