Aint no rest for the Wicked.
She was so weak. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to move but she fought against it. She knew Saxif was close, her whispers and worry making her fight even more. She wanted nothing more then to tell her she was fine. She struggled to keep breathing and although she was laying down she could feel the blood, her blood, pooling on her stomach. She knew that Luna had done what she could but she wasn't sure it was enough. Mizu shared wounds almost like her own except she had torn muscle that made it so that she couldn't walk and broken wrists that made it so she couldn't work like she used to. Shiloh and Saxif were on their own for the time being and Shiloh was slowly but surely losing the war over her life.

The pain was slowly starting to lessen when she heard Saxif's voice, growling out her rage. She was able to open her eyes and look up to see her attacker, see him smiling at her mate the same way he smiled at her. Her fear showed on her face and now, cut from her bonds, she tried to get away from him, away from the pain he had inflicted on her. She yelped in pain and was able to catch her mates eyes. What she saw turned her into a panic so strong it was an amazement that she didn't die in that moment. Saxif's eyes were almost completely black with her rage she was barely controlling. The hammock she was laying in swung dangerously and she ceased trying to escape from Rain. Her breathing ragged and shaky she reached for her angered mate in hopes to calm her. "Please... Saxif.... ca... calm ... do... down... dont... give... them... a... reason to... hurt you..." she paused the simple sentence winding her and hurting her. "Sa...Saxif... I'm sc... scared...," she was able to whisper to her, her fear and hurt settling over her body as she gasped for breath. She again attempted to reach for Saxif, knowing only her touch would calm her, only her words would soothe her. In that moment of desperation something broken inside her, split her soul as she let go and passed out, falling into darkness, falling into a relm she might not return from.

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